Neville is best known for his Port Glasgow Book Project after he spent a year as an artist in residence in Port Glasgow in 2004 portraying the town's hardship of Scotland's post-industrial decline in a photographic book which was distributed as a free gift to all members of the community.
He has worked on commissioned projects by The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh (Braddock/Sewickley, 2012) and Mount Stuart on the Isle of Bute (Fancy Pictures, 2008). His work Deeds Not Words, which addresses the Corby community involved in the toxic waste disposal court case was exhibited in 2013 at The Photographers' Gallery in London. Neville created a body of work based on a three-month residency with the British Army in the Afghan province of Helmand as the UK's official war artist in 2011. Part of The Helmand Work showed at London's Imperial War Museum's Contemporary Art Gallery during its relaunch in the Summer of 2014